Discover Squirrelly Foliage;

Where community, beauty and leaves meet

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Bracelets That Matter

From the first day of Squirrelly Foliage, our primary goal has been to create and support a safe place for Everyone: To allow People to feel Heard, Seen, Wanted, and Acknowledged. The people in the back of the room should always feel as appreciated and loved as the people in front of them. 

We at Squirrelly Foliage will highlight special events and unique themes through awareness and acknowledgement, with 100% positive intentions while you visit us here. 

Throughout 2025, we will feature bracelets that correlate with everyday awareness, monthly celebrations, and special moments which we hope will empower you and those surrounding you. 

Some will stay for a while, others only for a season. Not every theme will coorelate with the month they’re celebrated but know this: we will always use opportunities to raise you up and appreciate you as our Squirrelly followers. 

Shop Bracelets here

Insta worthy



Planty Products Worth Having

Ditch the harsh chemicals- this spray is the GO TO. Hoyas go absolutely bonkers for it. Spray once a week & your plants will thank you. Get it here

Answer richtext

I started to create & grow starter plants and did my first little fall festival in 2022. My bones were shaking. My hands were so sweaty. I had NO IDEA what I was doing, where to start and had zero hopes that people would be interested in my houseplants.

The Start of Squirrelly Foliage